Nothing Makes You Work Harder Than The Last Minute.

No one know the power of the last-minute like a college student.. I’ll tell you a little background of my college experience thus far. I am currently a senior at the University of Central Arkansas majoring in marketing. I previously attended the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton where I first began my college journey.

Straight out of high school I wanted to be an agriculture teacher. I have always been very active in my FFA chapter at Greenbrier High School. From showing hogs, judging floriculture, nursery/landscape, dairy foods, and public speaking through parliamentary procedures, I was always on the go. Whether it was for practices, contests, or fairs we kept the roads pretty hot. I was able to travel all over Arkansas and Indiana participating in these events. So naturally, I wanted that to continue. I considered going to Southern Arkansas University at Magnolia to major in agriculture education but soon realized I had no interest in becoming a teacher. I just wanted to stay involved in the FFA as I always was. So, change of plans..

My back up plan was to become a dental hygienist. I know, complete opposite. I checked into the courses I would need to take at UACCM to get into the program at UAMS. I went through two years at the UACCM getting my basics and all of the prerequisite courses I needed to pursue my plan. I graduated my UACCM in 2014 with an Associated of Arts in General Education along with all of the classes I would need to apply for the dental hygiene program at UAMS. Low and behold, my GPA was too low to get accepted. So, what’s next…

I have always enjoyed going to school. Even as a child, I never made a fuss over going to school every day. That didn’t change in college. After I graduated with my first degree I didn’t know what the next step would be. I had already gotten an associated degree but didn’t know what I wanted to pursue next. I took a semester off and worked full-time and I was completely lost. I didn’t know how to live without the routine of school. I  then kicked myself into gear and decided to get back in school.

My most recent and hopefully final plan was to go back to UACCM  for one more year and major in business. I met with my advisor and figured out all of the courses I needed to take to complete an Associated of Applied Science in Business and continue on to UCA to finish a Bachelor’s degree in Business. Being a semester behind was a little bit of a set back but I went in it full force. I completed my third year at UACCM and graduated (again) in December of 2015 and began my journey at UCA in the spring of 2016. I came into UCA majoring in Business Administration and specialized to Marketing the fall semester of 2016. I am now on my way to becoming a UCA graduate in December of 2017. Long story short, I’ve had my fair share of college experience over the years.

Since the holiday season is upon us that means school is coming it an end. Exams, homework, group projects, and all the [fun] last minute assignments are all due before we finish up the semester. If you are anything like me, those assignments that were given at the very beginning of the semester that you thought you had plenty of time to do are all catching up to you… That’s where I am now… I have four group projects, five presentations, two papers, three finals and a case study standing between me and Christmas break. People keep saying there is light at the end of the tunnel but as of now, I’m still sitting in the dark.

While I haven’t figured out the golden key to college, I do have a few tips to help survive those last few weeks of school.

  1. Breath. Students tend to get overwhelmed by all of the school work pilled on at once, along with other engagements like work, family, church and hobbies. Just remember to take a deep breath, pull yourself together, and get stuff done.
  2. Stay Organized. I might not be so organized with keeping my room clean but when it comes to school, my planner is exploding with due dates. Keep a planner or use the calendar on your phone to keep up with due dates, group meetings, exam dates and especially exam times during finals week since they are usually different from class time.
  3. Hit the Books. Whether you want to or not, just do it. Semester is almost over so press on and endure to the end.
  4. Pray. This is the most important to me. Thank God for the blessings in life, pray for sanity, pray for endurance, and pray for passing grades. Trust God and His plans for your life. Go where He leads you and never think that your plans are greater than His.


For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and  come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and fine me, when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:11-13

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